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Acanthogonyleptes pulcher











Acanthogonyleptes pulcher Mello-Leitão, 1922 is a member of the genus Acanthogonyleptes (Laniatores: Gonyleptidae).


Original Description[]

"Male= 8mm

Anterior margin of the cephalothorax with three smalls pines at the lateral corners. Eye-turret much closer to anterior margin than to first transverse groove, very high, with two small close tubercles. Cephalothorax narrow and smooth. Fields i., ii., and iii. of the abdominal dorsal scutum with two median tubercles. The tubercles of ii. higher than of i., and those of iii. the highest ; every field with scattered granules; field iv. and free dorsal segments i. and ii. unarmed, with a transverse row of granules; free dorsal segment iii. with a small median cone and a transverse row of small tubercles ; dorsal anal plate unevenly granular. Marginal fields of the dorsal scutum with many granules unevenly scattered. Coxa iv. granular and with the apical spur transverse, narrow, with a short branch at the underside ; trochanter with a basal outer spur, curved forwards, and with another inner apical spur ; femur almost right with a bifid spur at the basal third of its upperside, and with stout sharp spines at the outer side. Pedipalps shorter than body ; the femur with an apical inner spine. Tarsus i. with six joints and the others with more than six. Ventral surface roast-yellow ; cephalothorax blackish, with two lateral white spots ; field i. of the dorsal scutum with two white spots concealing the median black tubercles ; field ii. with two small white spots close to the median tubercles ; field iii. with two large white spots, each with a mahogany brown tubercle and a small round black spot. Chelicerae olivaceous ; pedipalps pale yellow and legs chestnut.

Hab. S. Sebastião Island and Alto da Serra (S. Paulo). Type in the S. Paulo Museum."


  1. Mello-Leitão, C.F. de (1922) Some new Brazilian Gonyleptidae. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, (9) 9, 329–348. [Issued April 1922].