Opiliones Wiki
DSC 8517 - Flirtea picta
Flirtea picta, adult male. Brazil, Bahia, Una,Povoado do Quati. Photo copyright by Anker & Martins. From the forthcoming ASAH









Flirtea C.L. Koch, 1839 is a genus of the Neotropical family Cosmetidae, subfamily Cosmetinae with several species from South America (and possibly Central America). The concept of the genus was revised by Kury & García (2016) after many years of confusion.


Flirtea C.L. Koch, 1839: 20.


C.L. Koch (1839) stated that Flirtea was a person’s name


Originally placed in Cosmetidae Cosmetinae[1].

Type species[]

Flirtea picta (Perty 1833),, by subsequent designation, Roewer, 1912. This species has been misidentified for many years, ignoring the obvious information contained in the original description, and only in 2016 a neotype has been designated[2].


It should be noted that Flirtea stricto sensu has been reduced to a core of three Brazilian species in Kury & García (2016).

  • Flirtea batman (Pinto-da-Rocha & Yamaguti, 2013) - Brazil (Goiás).
  • Flirtea picta (Perty, 1833) - Brazil (Bahía).
  • Flirtea valida (Roewer, 1928) - Brazil (Maranhão, Mato Grosso and Pará).

All other nominal Flirtea should be re-evaluated for their generic assignment. Many were previously associated with the genus Rhaucus Simon 1879, or the now non-valid Erginus Simon, 1879.

  • Flirtea alpha (Sørensen, 1932): 367 - Colombia (Cundinamarca).
  • Flirtea altagraciensis González-Sponga, 1992: 204 - Venezuela (Guárico).
  • Flirtea andina Roewer, 1927: 594 - Bolivia (Tarija).
  • Flirtea araguitensis González-Sponga, 1992: 209 - Venezuela (Miranda).
  • Flirtea clypeata (Sørensen, 1932): 382 - Venezuela (Carabobo). Note - see also synonym of Eucynortula puncticulosa Roewer, 1947: 13 - Venezuela (Aragua).
  • Flirtea erxlineae Mello-Leitão, 1941: 320 - Peru (Piura).
  • Flirtea fusca (Sørensen, 1932): 361 - Colombia (?).
  • Flirtea granulosa (Simon, 1879): 211 - Colombia (Cundinamarca).
  • Flirtea henrikseni González-Sponga, 1992: 216 - Venezuela (Miranda).
  • Flirtea lateralis (Banks, 1909): 228 - Costa Rica (Cartago). Note - see also synonym of Cynorta conspersa Banks, 1914: 682 - Costa Rica (Cartago), a homonym of Cynorta conspersa (Perty 1833).
  • Flirtea limbata (Sørensen, 1932): 371 - Colombia (?).
  • Flirtea longifemoris González-Sponga, 1992: 225 - Venezuela (Miranda).
  • Flirtea militaris (Simon, 1879): 203 - Colombia (Cundinamarca).
  • Flirtea montana González-Sponga, 1992: 220 - Venezuela (Guárico).
  • Flirtea reticulata (Sørensen, 1932): 366 - Colombia (?).
  • Flirtea simplex González-Sponga, 1992: 229 - Venezuela (Dist. Federal).
  • Flirtea sorenseni González-Sponga, 1992: 232 - Venezuela (Yaracuy).
  • Flirtea tristis (Sørensen, 1932): 363 - Colombia (Cundinamaarca?).
  • Flirtea tuberculata (Sørensen, 1932): 357 - Colombia (?).
  • Flirtea ventricosa (Simon, 1879): 209 - Colombia (Cundinamaarca).
  • Flirtea venezuelana (Sørensen, 1932): 380 - Venezuela (Dist. Federal). Note - see also several synonyms.


Several species have recently been assigned to Rhaucus.

  • Flirtea geographica (Sørensen, 1932) of Mello-Leitão, 1933 which was originally described within Rhaucus was restored to that genus, and revised as a junior synonym of Rhaucus serripes (Simon, 1879) in Kury & García (2016).
  • Flirtea mutica (Sørensen, 1932)which was originally described within Rhaucus was restored to that genus, and revised as a junior synonym of Rhaucus quinquelineatus Simon, 1879 in Kury & García (2016).
  • Flirtea paucimaculata Roewer, 1963 was also revised as a junior synonym of Rhaucus serripes (Simon, 1879) in Kury & García (2016).
  • Flirtea quinquelineata (Simon, 1879) was revised back to its original combination as type species for the genus Rhaucus in Kury & García (2016).
  • Flirtea serripes (Simon, 1879)) was revised back to an earlier combination under the genus Rhaucus in Kury & García (2016).


  1. Kury, A. B., 2003. Annotated catalogue of the Laniatores of the New World (Arachnida, Opiliones). Revista Iberica de Aracnología, Zaragoza, vol. especial monográfico, nº 1: 1-337
  2. Kury, AB & García, AF (2016) On the identity of Flirtea C.L. Koch, 1839 (Arachnida, Opiliones, Cosmetidae). Zootaxa, 4093 (2), 231–247.