Opiliones Wiki
Kustarachne by Dunlop
† Kustarachne tenuipes Scudder, 1890, from Dunlop (2004).





† Kustarachnidae Petrunkevitch 1949 is a family of fossil phalangioid eupnoan with only 1 monotypic genus.


Kustarachne originally in Phalangiotarbida. Transferred to its own order Kustarachnae (Petrunkevitch 1913), later renamed Kustarachnida (Petrunkevitch 1955) to conform with the standardized endings adopted by him. Transferred to Eupnoi Phalangioidea by Dunlop (2004a: 24) [1].


  1. Dunlop, J. A. (2004a) The enigmatic fossil arachnid Kustarachne tenuipes Scudder, 1890 is a harvestman. In: Samu, F. & Szinetár, C. (Eds.), European Arachnology 2002. Plant Protection Institute & Berzsenyi College, Budapest, pp. 17–25.

Eupnoi Classification
Incertae sedis
Not assigned to any family Brigantibunum | †Daohugopilio | †Macrogyion | Hesperopilio
Superfamily Caddoidea
Family Caddidae Caddo
Superfamily Phalangioidea
Not assigned to family Cheiromachus | †Milipurcellia | Mitopiella | †Petrunkevitchiana
Family †Kustarachnidae Kustarachne
Family Neopilionidae Subfamily Ballarrinae Americovibone | Arrallaba | Ballarra | Plesioballarra | Vibone
Subfamily Enantiobuninae Acihasta | Australiscutum | Forsteropsalis | Hypomegalopsalis | Mangatangi | Megalopsalis | Monoscutum | Neopantopsalis | Pantopsalis | Spinicrus | Templar | Tercentenarium | Thrasychiroides | Thrasychirus

Subfamily Neopilioninae Neopilio
Family Phalangiidae Not assigned to subfamily Stephanobunus
Dicranopalpus genus group Amilenus | Dicranopalpus
Subfamily Oligolophinae Lacinius | Mitopus | Odiellus | Oligolophus | Paralacinius | Paroligolophus | Roeweritta
Subfamily Opilioninae Bidentolophus | Egaenus | Gricenkovia| Himalphalangium | Homolophus | Mizozatus | Opilio | Pamiropilio | Redikorcevia | Scleropilio
Subfamily Phalangiinae Bunochelis | Camerobunus | Coptophalangium | Cristina | Dacnopilio | Dasylobus | Graecophalangium | Guruia | Hindreus | Kalliste |Lenkoraniella | Leptobunus | Liopilio | Liropilio |Megistobunus | Metadasylobus |Metaphalangium | Odontobunus | Parascleropilio | Phalangium | Ramblinus | Rhampsinitus | Rilaena | Taurolaena | Tchapinius | Zachaeus
Subfamily Platybuninae Acanthomegabunus | Bolea | Buresilia | Lophopilio | Megabunus | Metaplatybunus | Platybunoides | Platybunus | Rafalskia | Stankiella
Family Protolophidae Protolophus
Family Sclerosomatidae Not assigned to subfamily Mesobunus
Subfamily Gagrellinae Abaetetuba | Adungrella | Aguilaia | Akalpia | Altobunus | Amazonesia | Antigrella | Aurivilliola | Azucarella | Bakerinulus | Bastia | Bastioides | Baturitia | Bellonia | Biceropsis | Bonthainia | Bullobunus | Caluga | Cardenalia | Carinobius | Carmenia | Carmichaelus | Ceratobunellus | Ceratobunoides | Ceratobunus | Cervibunus | Chasenella | Chebabius | Coonoora | Dentobunus | Diangathia | Echinobunus | Euceratobunus | Eugagrella | Euzaleptus | Fesa | Gagrella | Gagrellenna | Gagrellina | Gagrellissa | Gagrellopsis | Gagrellula | Geaya | Globulosoma | Guaranobunus | Hamitergum | Harmanda | Harmandina | Hehoa | Heterogagrella | Hexazaleptus | Hexomma | Himaldroma | Himalzaleptus | Holcobunus | Holmbergiana | Hologagrella | Hypogrella | Hypsibunus | Jussara | Koyamaia | Krusa | Krusella | Liopagus | Marthana | Melanopa | Melanopella | Melanopula | Metadentobunus | Metahehoa | Metasyleus | Metaverpulus | Metazaleptus | Microzaleptus | Mucuya | Munequita | Neogagrella | Nepalgrella | Nepalkanchia | Obigrella | Octozaleptus | Onostemma | Oobunus | Orissula | Padangrella | Palniella | Paradentobunus | Paragagrella | Paragagrellina | Parageaya | Paraumbogrella | Paruleptes | Pectenobunus | Pergagrella | Pokhara | Prionostemma | Prodentobunus | Psammogeaya | Psathyropus | Pseudarthromerus | Pseudogagrella | Pseudomelanopa | Pseudosystenocentrus | Romerella | Sarasinia | Sataria | Scotomenia | Sericicorpus | Sinadroma | Syleus | Syngagrella | Systenocentrus | Tamboicus | Taperina | Tetraceratobunus | Toragrella | Trachyrhinus | Umbogrella | Umbopilio | Vaho | Valle | Varinodulia | Verpulus | Verrucobunus | Xerogrella | Zaleptiolus | Zaleptulus | Zaleptus
Subfamily Gyinae Gyas | Gyoides | Rongsharia
Subfamily Leiobuninae Amauropilio | Cosmobunus | Dilophiocara | Eumesosoma | Eusclera | Goasheer | Hadrobunus | Leiobunum | Leuronychus | Microliobunum | Nelima | Paranelima | Schenkeliobunum | Togwoteeus
Metopilio genus group Dalquestia | Diguetinus | Eurybunus | Globipes | Metopilio | Lanthanopilio
Subfamily Sclerosomatinae Astrobunus | Granulosoma | Homalenotus | Mastobunus | Metasclerosoma | Pseudastrobunus | Pseudohomalenotus | Pygobunus