Opiliones Wiki
Opilio hemseni
Opilio hemseni Roewer, 1952 from Abkhazia, by Snegovaya 2010a
Opilio hemseni Roewer, 1952 from Abkhazia, by Snegovaya 2010a.











Opilio hemseni Roewer, 1952 is a species of Opilioninae from the Caucasus Region.

Captura de tela inteira 01062019 150329

Opilio hemseni. Distribution by AB Kury.

Abbreviated logonymy from WCO[]

Opilio hemseni Roewer 1952a: 512, figs 1a–b [1].
Opilio reginae Staręga 1966a: 404, figs 19–21 [junior subjective synonym of Opilio hemseni Roewer 1952 by Staręga (2003: 98)].
Homolophus azerbaijanicus Snegovaya & Staręga 2008b: 15, figs 1–11 [junior subjective synonym of Opilio hemseni Roewer, 1952 by Snegovaya & Staręga (2011: 53)].


  • Snegovaya 2010a: 5, figs 10–19 (redescr.).
  • Snegovaya & Staręga 2011: 53, figs 17–20.

Type data[]

Opilio hemseni:[]

♂ holotype (NHMW), from IRAN, Eşfahān, Pīr Bakrān (PA0446).

Opilio reginae:[]

♂ holotype, 3 ♂ paratypes (IZ PAN), from GEORGIA, Abkhazia, Kelasuri near Sukhumi (PA0408)
1 ♀ paratype (IZ PAN), from neighborhood of Sukhumi, in the second bridge over river Gumista (PA0408)
1 ♂ 1 ♀ paratypes (IZ PAN), from Bakuriani near Borzhomi, 1700 m (PA0408)
1 ♂ paratype (IZ PAN), from Abkhazia, Sukhumi, Mt. Gora Bagrata (PA0408)

Homolophus azerbaijanicus:[]

♂ holotype (ZISP), from AZERBAIJAN, Lenkoran, Azfilial (PA0407).

l ♂ paratype, the same data; l ♂ (paratype), in the same locality (Zoological Institute, National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Baku).


ARMENIA, Dilijan (PA0408) (Snegovaya 2010a);

AZERBAIJAN, Kedabek, in herb (Snegovaya 2010a);
Lenkoran, Hirkan, Apo (PA0407)
Lerik, environs of Peshtatyuk (PA0407)
Lenkoran, environs of Byurdjali (old name Alekseevka) (PA0407) (Snegovaya & Staręga 2011).

GEORGIA, Tsalsk Distr., environs of Khram GES, oak-hornbeam-beech forest, in 10 traps (PA0805).
Abkhazia, Sukhum Distr., Gumista State Reserve, confluence of Tsumur and East Gumista rivers (PA0408).
Gumista State Reserve, south slope of Dzykhva Mt., beech zone, 1500 m (PA0408).

IRAN, Gilan Province, Rasht District, near Dizkoh village, 36°59’18.84’’N, 49°34’22.55’’E (PA0507) (Snegovaya et al. 2018).

RUSSIA, North Ossetia: Alagir Distr., canyon of Baddon River, h~2000 m (PA0408). (Snegovaya 2010a).

RUSSIA, [Adygea], “Krasnodar Krai”, Khamyshki near Kamennomost skaja, Sochi (PA0408) (Staręga 1978).
Krasnodar Krai, Caucasian State Nature Biosphere Reserve (PA0408) (Snegovaya & Chumachenko 2011).

UKRAINE, East (exact location unknown) (Chevrizov 1980).


E Ukraine, SW Russia (Krasnodar), Georgia, NE Turkey, Iran [Staręga 2003].


  1. Roewer, C.F. (1952a) Die Solfugen und Opilioniden der österreichischen Iran-Expedition 1949–1950. Sitzungsberichte und Anzeiger der Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse, Abteilung I, Biologische Wissenschaften und Erdwissenschaften, 161 (7), 509–516.

Eupnoi Classification
Incertae sedis
Not assigned to any family Brigantibunum | †Daohugopilio | †Macrogyion | Hesperopilio
Superfamily Caddoidea
Family Caddidae Caddo
Superfamily Phalangioidea
Not assigned to family Cheiromachus | †Milipurcellia | Mitopiella | †Petrunkevitchiana
Family †Kustarachnidae Kustarachne
Family Neopilionidae Subfamily Ballarrinae Americovibone | Arrallaba | Ballarra | Plesioballarra | Vibone
Subfamily Enantiobuninae Acihasta | Australiscutum | Forsteropsalis | Hypomegalopsalis | Mangatangi | Megalopsalis | Monoscutum | Neopantopsalis | Pantopsalis | Spinicrus | Templar | Tercentenarium | Thrasychiroides | Thrasychirus

Subfamily Neopilioninae Neopilio
Family Phalangiidae Not assigned to subfamily Stephanobunus
Dicranopalpus genus group Amilenus | Dicranopalpus
Subfamily Oligolophinae Lacinius | Mitopus | Odiellus | Oligolophus | Paralacinius | Paroligolophus | Roeweritta
Subfamily Opilioninae Bidentolophus | Egaenus | Gricenkovia| Himalphalangium | Homolophus | Mizozatus | Opilio | Pamiropilio | Redikorcevia | Scleropilio
Subfamily Phalangiinae Bunochelis | Camerobunus | Coptophalangium | Cristina | Dacnopilio | Dasylobus | Graecophalangium | Guruia | Hindreus | Kalliste |Lenkoraniella | Leptobunus | Liopilio | Liropilio |Megistobunus | Metadasylobus |Metaphalangium | Odontobunus | Parascleropilio | Phalangium | Ramblinus | Rhampsinitus | Rilaena | Taurolaena | Tchapinius | Zachaeus
Subfamily Platybuninae Acanthomegabunus | Bolea | Buresilia | Lophopilio | Megabunus | Metaplatybunus | Platybunoides | Platybunus | Rafalskia | Stankiella
Family Protolophidae Protolophus
Family Sclerosomatidae Not assigned to subfamily Mesobunus
Subfamily Gagrellinae Abaetetuba | Adungrella | Aguilaia | Akalpia | Altobunus | Amazonesia | Antigrella | Aurivilliola | Azucarella | Bakerinulus | Bastia | Bastioides | Baturitia | Bellonia | Biceropsis | Bonthainia | Bullobunus | Caluga | Cardenalia | Carinobius | Carmenia | Carmichaelus | Ceratobunellus | Ceratobunoides | Ceratobunus | Cervibunus | Chasenella | Chebabius | Coonoora | Dentobunus | Diangathia | Echinobunus | Euceratobunus | Eugagrella | Euzaleptus | Fesa | Gagrella | Gagrellenna | Gagrellina | Gagrellissa | Gagrellopsis | Gagrellula | Geaya | Globulosoma | Guaranobunus | Hamitergum | Harmanda | Harmandina | Hehoa | Heterogagrella | Hexazaleptus | Hexomma | Himaldroma | Himalzaleptus | Holcobunus | Holmbergiana | Hologagrella | Hypogrella | Hypsibunus | Jussara | Koyamaia | Krusa | Krusella | Liopagus | Marthana | Melanopa | Melanopella | Melanopula | Metadentobunus | Metahehoa | Metasyleus | Metaverpulus | Metazaleptus | Microzaleptus | Mucuya | Munequita | Neogagrella | Nepalgrella | Nepalkanchia | Obigrella | Octozaleptus | Onostemma | Oobunus | Orissula | Padangrella | Palniella | Paradentobunus | Paragagrella | Paragagrellina | Parageaya | Paraumbogrella | Paruleptes | Pectenobunus | Pergagrella | Pokhara | Prionostemma | Prodentobunus | Psammogeaya | Psathyropus | Pseudarthromerus | Pseudogagrella | Pseudomelanopa | Pseudosystenocentrus | Romerella | Sarasinia | Sataria | Scotomenia | Sericicorpus | Sinadroma | Syleus | Syngagrella | Systenocentrus | Tamboicus | Taperina | Tetraceratobunus | Toragrella | Trachyrhinus | Umbogrella | Umbopilio | Vaho | Valle | Varinodulia | Verpulus | Verrucobunus | Xerogrella | Zaleptiolus | Zaleptulus | Zaleptus
Subfamily Gyinae Gyas | Gyoides | Rongsharia
Subfamily Leiobuninae Amauropilio | Cosmobunus | Dilophiocara | Eumesosoma | Eusclera | Goasheer | Hadrobunus | Leiobunum | Leuronychus | Microliobunum | Nelima | Paranelima | Schenkeliobunum | Togwoteeus
Metopilio genus group Dalquestia | Diguetinus | Eurybunus | Globipes | Metopilio | Lanthanopilio
Subfamily Sclerosomatinae Astrobunus | Granulosoma | Homalenotus | Mastobunus | Metasclerosoma | Pseudastrobunus | Pseudohomalenotus | Pygobunus